Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I promised to share more adventures from our trip to San Antonio for the TASSP and I haven't forgotten.
One of the things I love about getting out of town is the chance for a change of scenery and of course the opportunity to leave a little bit of "Amber Mischief" wherever I go. It just wouldn't be Texan to not share something of myself now would it ? This picture was taken right outside of The Alamo. the cowboy hat was borrowed, well okay I'll confess...I swiped it from a great pal, Rich. He was such a good sport about letting me use his hat for a moment. This was also taken just moments before my small time crime of sitting in the window, lol.


dixiedarling said...

How generous of Mr. Windsor (wonder if calling him that will give him a big head....)

The hat does seem to suit you though.

Nice pic!

Anonymous said...

Very cute pic, Amber.

Todd and Suzy

Anonymous said...

You've got it on backwards though girl ;) Okay, okay, I know, you had to flip it around in order to lean up against the wall. Hmm, leaning up against a wall....... Now that gives me an idea :D

ZED and ginger said...

CUTE pose! Were you wearing strawberry panties under those capris?? :-D

I'm sad I missed the Alamo. :(


spanking~amber grey said...

Sorry G. my short term memory sucks. I can't remember what color panties I wore that day. Sorry you missed the Alamo too. At least you got to stroll the River Walk....many times ;)

Anonymous said...

Lovin your blogs...