Monday, September 29, 2008

I am still having the post party blues from Shadow Lane. I know, I should be over it by now. It's my blog so I'll whine if I want to. Seriously though, I had been in a little bit of a state of spanking blah's before the party and it was just what I needed. I always love reuniting with fellow spanker's and spankee's. It's like one big spanking reunion. I hated family reunion's when I was kid, maybe because of my true spankoness (yes there is such a word-cause I just made it up) this is a reunion that I can misbehave at, lol. It's also a treat to be spanked by new as well as past found spanko' friends. This picture is courtesy of Dallas. I think he was trying to make my bum match my shirt. I found the picture funny because I am giving him my "you just think you taught me a lesson " look. I had even told him that I'd already gotten a hard spanking with a "family strap" but that didn't get me off the hook obviously. Sabrina, thanks for at least atempting to convince him that I was undeserving of such a spanking, lol. The family strap deserves a post of it's own so be sure to check back for that one in the near future.


Anonymous said...

Lovely pic, Amber. Can't wait to see your post about the Family Strap!

Todd and Suzy

Anonymous said...

Amber, that is a nice picture. Waiting to hear your view of the family strap.


Spanky said...

Wonderful pic!

Abe's Heart said...

So nice, Amber.
Love this photo!

